As comparing to bacteria germs the viruses are aso germs like bacteria but very tiny in size. They have genetic material inside of a protein coating. Viruses cause famous infectious diseases such as the hepatitis, common cold, flu, HIV AIDS, SMALL POX and COVID-19.
Viruses always attack on living, normal cells and multiply those cells and produce other viruses like themselves.
viruses can, damage, kill or modify the cells and make a person sick. Different kind of viruses attack different cells in a person's body such as liver,blood,respiratory system & circulatory system etc.
A person having strong immune system may be able to fight against viruses and viruses can not harm always normally to every person.
unfortunately there is no such medicine avilable to treat or cure all kind of viral infections.Furthermore, no antibiotics is effective for viral desease.But vaccines can be helpful to prevent a person from viral infection.In most of the cases it has been observed that only symptomatic treatment can be supportive till the immune system has become able to fight of the viruses. As you and the whole world had seen and observed during the covid-19. duration.